Step 1: Pick Where You want to Volunteer
Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster
Den Leader/Assistant
Popcorn Chair (“Kernel”)/Assistant
Pinewood Derby Chair/Helper
Annual Banquet Committee Chair/Member
Day Camp Coordinator/Parent Helper
Resident Camp Coordinator/Parent Helper
Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster
Summer Camp Coordinator
Popcorn Chair (“Kernel”)/Assistant
Advancement Chair
Merit Badge Counselor
Life to Eagle Coordinator
Committee Chair/member
monthly huddle to discuss program
identify upcoming events to feature Vortex
Program Delivery
Interact with youth at community events, facilitate activities
STEAM Support
drive Vortex to events, trains volunteers on site.
STEM Demonstrations
guide youth through activities and share your knowledge and enthusiasm for all things STEAM
Recruiting Chair
Service Project Planner/Helper/Advisor
Camping or Outdoor Chair/Advisor
Communications/Social Media Committee
Treasurer/Assistant Treasurer
Health Coordinator
Youth Protection Training Coordinator
Chartered Organization
Fundraising Coordinator
Unit Committee Chair/Member
Religious Award Promotion
Adult Training Chair
Transportation Coordinator
step 2: Registration
Create an account at
Complete Youth Protection Training
Complete an Adult Application
Submit the application with the fee and YPT certificate of completion to the unit or the Abraham Lincoln Council.
*The charter organization must approve unit volunteers.
BSA Annual Adult Fees: $60 - All Adult Positions, $25 - Merit Badge Counselors
step 3: onboarding to your new role
Learn More About Each of the Youth Programs
Cub Scouts: Boys and Girls, grades K-5
Scouts BSA: Boys and Girls, ages 11-17
Venturing: Adventure-oriented experiences, ages 14-20 (coed)
Exploring: Career experiences, ages 10-20 (coed)
Answers to Common Questions
We understand that the idea of becoming a Scouting volunteer comes with questions and concerns. Here are some common ones – and some answers:
How can I be of any help if I was never a Scout?
I’m not “outdoorsy” – I’ve never even camped!
I don’t want to embarrass my child.
Is there training for this?
Why should I get involved in Scouting?
I’m super busy!
Isn’t this just more work?
I don’t really know the parents of my kid’s friends.
I’m not even sure my kid wants me involved.
How will my child look back on their time in Scouting?
Will volunteering help me as a parent?
How will this affect my child’s perception of our family?
What do Scouts gain from having their parents involved?