James E. West Fellowship

The Abraham Lincoln Council is fortunate have many donors with the foresight to create the Council Endowment Fund, with the goal to provide ongoing support for the Council beyond annual giving. This endowment is donor restricted and only the income from this investment is made available to support the Council.

A gift to the Abraham Lincoln Council, designated for the council endowment fund, qualifies the donor for membership as a James E. West fellow.

This gift must be in addition to— and not replace or diminish—the donor’s annual Friends of Scouting support. A minimum gift of $1000 in cash or marketable securities qualifies for the Bronze level membership. Donors may make cumulative gifts to reach Silver, Gold, and Diamond member levels.

A James E. West Fellowship may also be given in memory or recognition of an individual.In addition to creating a lasting impact on the Scouts in the Abraham Lincoln Council, those who become Abraham Lincoln Council: James E. West Fellows are recognized with an several exclusive recognition items; including custom ALC Tie/Scarf/Bow Tie, Official BSA Uniform Knot, and Certificate suitable for framing.

Thank You to the Abraham Lincoln Council’s James E. West Fellows

Orphaned at age six and afflicted with tuberculosis, James E. West never had much of a childhood. West had to fight for permission to attend school outside of his orphanage—and only if he did his extensive orphanage chores before and after school. Nonetheless, he finished high school in two years, graduating with honors in 1895. By 1901, he’d worked his way through law school and was practicing law in Washington, D.C.

Thanks to his background supporting youth, West became a natural choice to serve as the first Chief Scout Executive. He agreed to take the job for up to six months and stayed on for 32 years.